Sunday, 4th December, 2011
Devilbend – format: Irish stableford
The Christmas outing and last of 2011 had the lads converge at Devilbend.
But before heading to the course, all the members had received a very generous invitation to a bbq breakfast at Alan and Margaret’s house.

The format of the day would be the untried ‘Irish stableford’ in the Society. Although the numbers were down and replacements near impossible to find for the day, the groups led by Paul and Spoon would have to incorporate a 4th player from another team to tally scores at the end. These floating players would be Stevie into Spoon’s group and Biggsy into Paul’s.
Before the first tee-off, one of the team captains, Joe had manage to stumble across some pre-match Christmas cheer and just for a change, presented himself a tad worse for wear.
Nerves pushed aside as this inebriation would have an over relaxing effect on Joe as he led his team to victory.
One of the teams of 3 marching round the course was that of Paul, Barra and Billy Mac. Playing without the 4th team mate was a bridge too far for this trio and relying on Biggsy was not the saving grace they needed.
As the pictures show it looks as though the 2 floating players played a significant part in the winners and losers on the day. Well done Stevie…………………….cheers Biggsy.
Prior to heading back to headquarters, 2 of the day’s winners Joe and Sammy were to indulge in a ‘wee’ direct infusion of vodka. By the time Christmas dinner was served it was as good as all over for Sammy as he headed off into the sunset, goodnight Irene.
Nearest the pins on the day went to Paul, Koala and Winker.
The winning team were then handed out their festive slashings from the handicappers. As is the ‘norm’ with team events all players will be cut 1 shot.
Joe 14 to 13, Stevie 32 to 31, Sam 22 to 21 and of course Tich 30 to 27.
Who needs enemies eh.
Winker cut from 24 to 23……just because.
A big thanks to Alan and Margaret for setting the day up perfectly and also to Ann and the ladies for their usual fantastic Christmas dinner (including trifle).
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.
Team 1: Snappy Tom 15, Sutho 21, Andy 25, Koala 30
Team 2: Deeks 13, Shug 20, Chopper 27, Tim 36
Team 3: Damo 16, Ryan 25, Clayton 29, Biggsy 30
Team 4: Joe 14, Sammy 22, Tich 30, Stevie 32
Team 5: Spoon 12, Winker 24, Alan 27, Bob 36
Team 6: Paul 18, Barra 23, Hughesy 30, Billy Mac 40
Irish stableford;
Playing as a team of 4, all players play out each hole as they would in an individual stableford.
On the first 6 holes (1-6 inclusive), only the best stableford score of the four players is recorded.
On the next 5 holes (7-11 inclusive) only the best two stableford scores are recorded.
on the next 4 holes (12-15 inclusive) only the best three stableford scores are recorded.
On the last 3 holes (16-18 inclusive) all four stableford scores are recorded.