
Sunday, 31st October, 2010

rescheduled on 19th December, 2010 – format: Stableford

Jack Jones’ Memorial - “Nae gimmes in golf”

Due to the pish weather of the past few months this game was re-scheduled until the week before Christmas. The onslaught of the festive season was to have an effect on a couple of members, none more so than the website’s editor who must pass on his apologies for the rather blurred recollection of the day.

However, everyone was there on time for the early morning toast to Jack prior to tee-off. The weather was forecast rain but those who were lucky enough to be in the first 3 groups managed to get into the 19th nice and dry before Jack pissed on the latter.

The course was in fine condition for the day and although off to a very shaky start the Barra managed to pull himself together to record a reasonable card, with the foresight to book a cart proving to be the trump card. Not the same could be said for one of his playing partners, Joe, who also turned up a bit worse for wear and was to present a card never before seen by one of the club’s captains, a truly pitiful effort of 13 points which saw 10 outs for the last 10 holes, producing some absolute minging golf.

Joe - 13 points

This poor performance was well and truly enough to cement the NAGA for the day.

The same group were also to produce the winner for the day, this was the Barra’s driver, Deeks, who spent most of the day deflecting the onus onto the Barra whilst jotting down some very nice points onto his own tally. Deeks was to end up with a very nice total of 38 points. A score which would net the man, not only his name on the trophy, but a bounty of prizes that was beyond belief.

Deeks - 38 points

There was the individual trophy to keep, the ‘Flinders’ polo shirt, the massive showbag from St. Andrews, socks, jocks, hats, keyrings, Callaway goods, bottle openers, $100 Ray Drummond voucher and of course the MGC prov1 golf balls, this along with the very kind donation from last years’ winner, Paul McConalogue of a Greg Norman polo shirt and a Ping golf towel.

Deeks was a very popular winner for the day as he was a very good friend of Jack’s and was very humble and proud to have his name on the trophy. Well done Deeks.

Nearest the pins for the day would not only be receiving the MGC prov1 golf balls but also an added sponsorship of $20 per hole, thanks to Jack’s wife, Wilma.

The recipients of this were to be Taffy, Snappy Tom and of course Deeks who just happened to nail 2 for another lazy $40 to go with the rest of his goodies.

Controversy was to finish the formalities when the handicapper of the day, Joe set a new precedent by cutting the winner of a singles event by only one shot, not the mandatory two as before………hmmm. It was pointed out that this was also a marquee day in the clubs calendar, but this had no impact on the result and the one shot penalty was to stand.

A top day and Jack would have been chuffed how the day unfolded.

Groups for the day were:

Tee-off 7.28 am

Group 1: Dave, Tich, Koala, Biggsy

Group 2: Joe, Deeks, Andrew, Barra

Group 3: Taffy, Stevie, Christophe, Shug

Group 4: Andy Mac, Snappy Tom, Ryan, Sutho

Group 5: Winker, Billy Mac, Spoon, Paul

Group 6: Mitch, Damo, Bob, Tim

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