
Sunday, 6th December, 2009

December saw the lads converge down at Devilbend, with a few of the troops missing, which included the main man Barra, it seemed like “while the cat’s away……..” as nothing short of anarchy was to break out as the day unfolded.

A few subs welcomed into the fold in the shape of Mark, George and Andy Mac snr. who had flown in from Prestwick just for the day.
Andy Mac snr.

Once the game had finished and the golfing party had made their way back to headquarters, it was here that nothing short of mayhem was to soil the clubs good reputation as the Barra turned up just in time to help his compatriot, Deeks deflect a barrage of accusations etc.
It was ‘alleged’ that a certain team had failed to lodge a scorecard for their outing, assuming that their honesty would suffice come presentation of the days awards, this was good enough for the organiser of the day, Deeks, but not for one of the captains, Christophe who was nothing short of a little peeved, plus the fact he was staring at the NAGA should the result stand.
The protest was officially lodged and following a meeting and a character check on messrs. Mark, Winker, Ryan and Alan it was deemed that the word of these upstanding citizens of the club was to be good enough and result would stand.
It was also noted that both Mark and Alan had weighed in with quite a few prizes to the clubs coffers, which had no bearing on the result of course.

This left a very disgruntled Christophe to lead his team up to collect the NAGA for the day.
Christophe, Sutho, Billy Mac and Tich – net 62.5

“Ok, I’ll take it, but I’m not happy”

It was also noted that Sutho had manged to pick up 2 NAGAs in 4 outings for the season.

Another can of worms was about to be opened as it was noted that the confidence of one of the clubs more frequent wearers of the Harris Tweed was so high leading into the days match that he had contacted his fellow team mates prior to the day and told them all what colour of shorts to wear for the winning photo.
Koala, Hughesy, Bob and Snappy Tom – net 56.25

The controversy wasn’t finished there as, in the absence of ‘ruthless ba***rd’ the handicapping fell to Shug alone. In an unprecedented first, 3 out of a winning team of 4 had their handicaps reduced by a shot, with the escapee Tommy being the recipient of good fortune, although one suspects a few shilling lighter.
Shug was to leave rather sharply after this and once Tommy and stopped with the ‘guffaw guffaw’ we were able to finish the presentations.

A reprimand was also handed out to the team of Snappy Tom for slow play but he was still in stiches from the handicapping he didn’t hear it.

Nearest the Pins went to, you guessed it, Snappy Tom, Tich and Paul.

It seemed to be a day for firsts, as Tich was to bring the club into the 21st century when he was to model his new wrist phone, which comes with the latest golfing GPS system to help improve your game, tells you how far the green is, where the flag is situated on the day, the current wind speed along with the contours and firmness of the ground, it also tells you which club to use and it can also recommend a type of ball, and that’s just for starters.
It was also noted that Tich had used this new device during the days play and finished in the losing team.

Next golf day is another big one in the clubs calendar at Amstel, the Garry Buick memorial, as usual there will be hunners o’ prizes and a good opportunity to get about 6-7 weeks practice in without penalty, unless your name is Snappy Tom and you can do what you like.

Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year to all our members and volunteers.

The clubs thoughts are with Dave Moffat at the moment during some tough times.

First of all a big welcome back to everyone to the long awaited start to the new season. Apologies for the lapse in club updates on this website due to unforseen technical difficulties.

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