Berwick Montuna

Sunday, 8th March, 2009

On with the hiking boots and off we went for our annual visit to Berwick Montuna. It was to be a singles event with the Stableford format the order of the day.

The week leading up was pretty much standard for the Barra with late scratchings, subs drafted groups re-shuffled and hopefully making sure that not everyone was happy with the final set up, mission accomplished.

Hughesy was back after a year on the European tour, also a couple of rare appearances off the bench from Hodgey, Jimmy the chef and Sutho along with some new blood to the club in the form of Pearcey who was a tad reluctant to venture onto the first tee in front of the well behaved gallery. This coupled with the fact that his mate Hodgey stitched him up large by appointing him a handicap which in hindsight may have been about 6 shots light, Hodgey later did admit that the fear of the NAGA had influenced this.

It was also celebrity day for the MGC with appearances from Maradonna (circa 2000), Robert de Niro (Cape Fear), Sylvester Stallone, Patrick Swayze (Dirty Dancing), Tony Mokbel (with hairpiece) and Christophe (see club noticeboard). These personas proved to be too much of a distraction for Christophe who later had to deal with another facet in the guise of the NAGA.

Christophe – 23 points

Scoring for the day was generally good with a new recipient of the Harris Tweed in the form of Ryan Lee, with a score of 44 points. Playing off a handicap of 31 Ryan could not hide his embarrassment and refused to come back to the club for the photo shoot until the dust had settled.


 A few others who had posted good scores were now to feel the double-edged sword that is becoming commonplace on the golf day afternoon. With Shug not present again it was left to Joe to reluctantly deal with said slashings on his own.

Ryan would be cut 4 to 27, Bob would be cut 3 to 28, Damo would be cut 2 to 21, Alan would be cut 2 to 33, Baby Koala would be cut 1 to 27 and Mitch would be cut 1 to 19. This prompted the protest siren to sound on a couple of occasions but all was dismissed and said slashings were to be administered immediately.

This proved not to be the end of the protests as one of our members found it too much to take that he was forced to pen a plea in the club to the handicapper ;


In all honesty, I believe you have acted totally out of character and over stepped the mark. I think you should take a couple of days to think of your actions. I truly believe you understand you have been a bit harsh,

all the best in your golf


p.s. today was a one off”

Bob was duly told to f#*k off.

Nearest the pins went to Billy Mac, Alan and Dave

Next month we are at Cape Schank and we will be playing 2 ball Ambrose, with criteria set at least 6 drives each.

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