
Round 2: Bayviews: September 25th: Singles

To begin, just a bit of housekeeping. Firstly, if you feel unwell or are around someone that may be unwell / have Covid please DO NOT turn up on the day. No names will be mentioned but please be thoughtful to your club mates. This puts others at risk and may have more serious consequences than 2 points towards NAGA of the year. Secondly, if you think you may not be able to play the next round don’t put your hand up to play. This results in late changes making it hard to plan the day, causes a mad scramble to try and fill the spot and could end up costing the club money as we pay in advance at most courses.

With that out the way lets get to the day that was at Bayviews, and given it was the day after Grand Final anything was possible. With a late pull out the format of the day changed from pairs to singles, a change that some were grateful for at the end of the round. Given the cold weather, early tee-off, hard to read greens and some rough heads the going was expected to be tough.

The eventual winner had no such trouble. Starting the day by reaching the green in 2 on the 1st those left on the tee were expecting a big score and this is exactly what was produced. With a final score of 40pwa, including an out on the 14th, it was Barra who decimated the field winning by 4 points over second placed Girdy with 36pwa, with third place going to Ryan on 34. Given the prep 2nd and 3rd went through this was a big effort by both. For his trouble Billy was awarded with the Tweed jacket, Middy’s bucket hat, tees and a second-hand genuine McClelland Pro V1.

bayview winner

The other end of the field saw familiar faces from this and past seasons in the mix. With group 1 carding a lowest score of 30 NAGA wasn’t expected from this group. Group 2 had serial offender Winker, Group 3 with perennial member Billy Mac and Group 4 had the ever-present Koala all in contention. Winker, carding 25 was the early front runner and given his inability to hit any shot in the air for most of the round this would have been a justified result. Next in was Billy Mac with a score of 18, followed up by Koala, who walking up to the club house looking like death warmed up, carded 22 to hand NAGA to Billy Mac. After a stirring rendition of “Its coming home, it’s coming home, Mr Numpty’s coming home” Billy Mac was reunited with Mr Numpty and it must be said they did look comfortable in each others company.

bayview NAGA

Given the day there were several incidents worthy of note:

Sammy, making full us of his heavy shoes, managed to get relief due to casual water in the rough, although not all playing partners were onboard with this ruling. This was to no avail as he carded an out anyway. Unlucky Sammy.

Given his sore knee, which nearly saw another late withdrawal, Clayton pushed through with the help of a cart. After hitting his approach 2 foot from the hole on the Par 3 17th, Joe suggested he just put it in the hole to save his knee and hobble away with a 3 for 4. This he tried but unfortunately missed not only the first putt, but all subsequent ones to have an out. Back at the club Clayton agreed he only had himself to blame, although this was very different at the time as it was all Joe’s fault.

It wouldn’t be a golf day without another Billy Mac trick shot. Having just finished the Par 3 15th and finishing with a respectable 5 for 3 he must have enjoyed the hole so much he hit his drive from the 16th back into the 15th green side bunker. For most this would seem impossible, but Billy continues to make the impossible possible. Keep up the good work mate.

Given his absence from the club at the end of last season NAGA of the Year for Season 2021-22 was awarded to winner Sutho. This was well deserved and couldn’t have gone to a more fitting recipient. A fitting write up was prepared last year so check it out if you want a recap of his year.

NAGA of Year 22

NTP for the day saw an unlucky Barra, with his name on 4 cards, miss out all together to what must have been some outstanding shots, with the winners walking away with a couple of genuine McClelland Pro V1s.

3rd Sammy, 6th Sammy, 11th Red, 15th Red, 17th Red


Barra 18 → 16


Billy Mac 43→44, Koala 25→26, Winker 28→29

Event Management for the day was run Billy A and Clayton. As usual and warmly received Clayton produced an excellent curry, chips and rice and produced enough for most players to take some home, with Billy handing out brownie and ice cream. Stellar effort boys given the late format change.

Next up we travel to Lang Lang on October 30th. Please note this is Melbourne Cup weekend so if you are have to pull out give us plenty of notice so we organise the day earlier.

Team  1: Barra (18) Hubba (23)  Handicap 10.25

Team 2: Billy A (15) Tommy (26)  Handicap 10.25

Team 3: Red (13) Sutho (32)  Handicap 11.25

Team 4: Girdy (8) Winker (28)  Handicap 9

Team 5: Bob (15) Billy Mac (43)  Handicap 14.5

Team 6: Ryan (22) Baby Koala (26)  Handicap 12

Team 7: Joe (14) Koala (25)  Handicap 9.75

Team 8: Sammy (21) Clayton (41)  Handicap 15.5


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