Round 8: Bayviews: July 12th: Format: Ambrose Pairs (9 drives each)
After a longer than expected hiatus the troops headed down to Bayviews Golf Club to continue the 2019-20 season. With a cold and rainy-day forecast, coupled with a 5 month lay-off since the Andy Mac Memorial Day and a no carts rule a long round was expected. What we got was a perfect winters morning with blue skies and a course in great condition. That being said, most found the hilly course tough going. Many rests were needed, especially at the top of the 12th, but what a view!
At the top of the table it was a close contest with only handicap separating the top two teams. The team of Joe & Gav and Ryan & Sammy both coming in with a very respectable gross score of 74, but it was Joe & Gav that took out the tweeds by 1.5 points with a net score of 62.25. Due to these unprecedented times a phone hook-up was need for comment from the winners. The following are some grabs from said conversation with the captain. “Ya fucking dancer”, “Think I should have player of the year sown up”. Given Joe had a serious health scare the weekend before he was also very thankful he was able to play, as we all were. Due to social distancing we could only get a photo of the winning captain.
At the other end of the board it was the first group of Hubba & Winker with a net score of 70.75 who had to wait until the last group to see if that were to take ownership of the dog and twirlies for next game. The long wait was well worth it as the team of Bob & Sutho came in with a net score of 72 which saw them snatch the prizes. It must be noted that Bob, who earlier in the season said he had never worn the twirlies is starting to make it a habit now. Via phone call Bob expressed that they didn’t have that bad a day and it was missed short putts that killed them. Given the score it may have been a bit more than that. Although he did take some joy from beating Sammy to NTP on the 3rd after Sammy had been bragging how good a shot he hit. Lucky for us we could fit both players from the losing team in the one photo.
NTP for the day went to:
3rd – Bob, 6th – Hubba, 11th – no one (need to lift next round boys), 15th – Ryan, 17th – Red (probably shot of the day)
Handicap changes for the day:
Joe 13 → 12, Gav 34 → 33
Bob 16 → 17, Sutho 32 → 33
Next round sees us off to the spiritual home of MGC, Centenary Park, which will see the Player of the Year and NAGA of the Year awards taken out. See you all on the 2nd August.
Team 1: Hubba (23), Winker (26) Handicap – 12.25
Team 2: Ryan (18), Sammy (23) Handicap – 10.25
Team 3: Joe (13), Gav (34) Handicap – 11.75
Team 4: Barra (22), Billy Mac (40) Handicap – 15.5
Team 5: Red (15), Clayton (37) Handicap – 13
Team 6: Billy A (18), Koala (30) Handicap – 12
Team 7: Girdy (7), Mitch (24) Handicap – 7.75
Team 8: Bob (16), Sutho (32) Handicap – 12