Cape Schanck

Cape Schanck

Sunday, 16th April, 2017

Format: 2 ball, best ball  (9 drives each)

Easter Sunday at Cape Schanck and it couldn’t get much better, weather was mild and the course was its usual splendour. The format for the day was to be pairs with the added hurdle of 9 drives for each player. As this was also the penultimate round of the season certain members would be feeling the pinch as some of their tallies towards the annual trophies were mounting.

The best score off the tee was scored by Joe and Macca with a 71 nett 61, however this wasn’t enough to stop Sammy and Taffy donning the tweed as they shot a 72 with a 2.5 shot handicap advantage, nett 59.5. Taffy, Sammy

This month also saw the welcome return of Snappy Tom after his long layoff with a back injury. It didn’t take long for Tommy to make his mark either. Partnering Biggsy they managed to card 90 off the stick nett 78.5 to comfortably take the twirly headgear by some stretch. This included a 12 on the 17th par 5 with reports of some extensive bunker action that had the others tossing in the ‘Hamlets’.Snappt Tom, Biggsy

Nearest the pin prizes went to Joe (3rd) Red (4th) Ryan (7th) Alan (9th) Red (14th) Taffy (16th)

Handicap adjustments saw Sammy and Taffy cut 1 shot each 22 to 21 and 28 to 27 respectively. Snappy Tom 18 to 19, Biggsy 28 to 29, Ryan 24 to 25 and Tim 37 to 38.

Thanks to Colin, Moira, Tommy and Winker for the event management of the day.

As the bottom 2 teams of the day, event management for the final day will be taken care of by Tommy, Biggsy, Ryan and Tim.

Team1;  Snappy Tom 18,   Biggsy 28   -  11.5             Team 2;  Deeks 15,   Stevie 34  -  12.25

Team 3;  Ryan 24,  Tim 37  -  15.25                             Team 4;  Colin 19,  Tich 27  -  11.5

Team 5;  Sammy 22,  Taffy 28,  -  12.5                        Team 6;  Bob 20,  Sutho 28  -  12

Team 7;  Barra 19,  Billy Mac 38  -  14.25                   Team 8;  Joe 12,  Chris Mac 28 -  10

Team 9;  Andy Mac 25,  Alan 30  -  13.75                  Team 10;  Nick 28,  Clayton 34  -  15.5

Team 11;  Christophe 7,  Koala 33  -  10                    Team 12;  Red 17,  Winker 26  -  10.75

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