Sunday, 5th April, 2015
Format; 2 ball best ball (8 drives each)
Penultimate game of the season with the much anticipated annual trip to Cape Schanck. Plenty of talk in the lead up to this regarding the upcoming annual awards, none more than NAGA of the year.
With Joe holding pole position he needed to either don the jacket or hope for some outside help. Neither would come to fruition as Joe and Hughesy were unfortunately soundly beaten into second spot, with Ryan and Tim sewing up NAGA for the day not aiding his cause whatsoever.
Winners for the day were the team of Sammy and Andy Mac, who shot 72 off the stick with a nett 59.75, a comfortable five and a half shots clear of second place.
A fine winning team adorned in Sammy’s favourite emerald green prizes, along with a visit from the Easter bunny.
At the bottom end it was to be the team of Ryan and Tim who carded a 92 (20 shots off the pace) with a nett 77 to be left wearing the twirly caps.
Tim holding the trophy as that’s where Captain Ryan laid the blame for the team’s poor performance, some thought this was a bit harsh, but he was officially mingin.
Nearest the pins for the day went to Andy Mac (3rd), Ryan (4th), Taffy (7th), Sutho (14th) and Hughesy (16th)
The handicapping duties were left to the disgruntled Joe in Hughie’s absence and he chose to cut the winning team, not the mandatory 1, but 2 shots each taking Andy Mac from 25 to 23 and Sammy from 24 to 22.
Team 1: Christophe 14, Sutho 26 – (10), Team 2: Hubba 24, Biggsy 28 – (13)
Team 3: Barra 16, Clayton 30 – (11.5), Team 4: Ryan 24, Tim 36 – (15)
Team 5: Mitch 20, Billy Mac 36 – (14), Team 6: Andy Mac 25, Sammy 24 – (12.25)
Team 7: Deeks 15, Taffy 28 – (10.75), Team 8: Winker 24, Tich 28 – (13)
Team 9: Joe 11, Hughesy 28 – (9.75), Vic 12, Red 29 – (10.25)
Team 11: Hughie 24, Bob 25 – (12.25), Paul 20, Alan 24 – (11)
It was voted that the rules of these ‘ambrose’ events will be; any ball lying on the green or the fairway can be marked and picked up and played within a hand span in any order of the team. Any ball off the fairway, or in a hazard, must be played ‘as it lies’ by the player who’s ball it is first, subsequent team members can place their ball within a hand span keeping the ball in the same part of the course, whether it be rough or hazard.
Organising this event will be Billy Mac, Vic and Tim